To download an mp3, right-click on the song title. To listen, click the Play button on the audio player.
My Cousin Bruce: Collideoscopic (5.49 MB)
The Heatheners: Crawling Over Me (5.73 MB)
Karanja: Dead Girlfriend (7.75 MB)
Return of the Sheep Man: Descending Babe (8.79 MB)
Polly Fonic: Glitter (6.63 MB)
Crank: Intravenous (4.01 MB)
The Stepford Five: Lucifer (5.08 MB)
raininginspace: Paranoia (6.87 MB)
The Wandering Minstrel: Spin (3.84 MB)
The Cow Exchange: Upside Down (4.46 MB)
This isn’t exactly a B-Side, but we think this is the best place to put it:
The Inanimate Carbon Rod: Rhapsody in You (Ferment/Chrome Medley) (9.95 MB)
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